05. Notary Public Services
Notary Public Sevices
*Notary Services
1. 什么是公证人?
(1) 国际公证人(员)可以叫作 Notaries, Notaries Public 和 Public Notaries,都是一样的意思。
(2) 新南威尔士州的公证员由高等法院任命,所有公证员必须是成功通过高标准考试的资深律师。因此,拥有公证员资格的律师为数不多。
2. 国际公证的常用功能
(1) 证明在境外使用的文件或者信息 (例如各种证书和法院判决)
(2) 核实在境外使用的文件的签署(例如各种授权书和声明书)
3. 认证程序
(1) 文件经公证员公证后,一般需要进行外交认证(Apostille 或 Authentication),但文件在某些国家使用的除外,例如英国、新西兰、加拿大和新加坡。
(2) 澳大利亚是 1961 年海牙公约的缔约国。因此,只有在使用文件的国家/地区是公约的缔约方时,海牙 Apostille 才适用。其他国家需要 Authentication,比如中国。公证员会告之哪一个认证程序适用于特定事项。您也可以参考外交和贸易部的网站,。
公证费通常为每份文件 $180 至 $250 加上消费税(不包括代办外交认证的服务费及第三方费用)。详情请参考新南威尔士州公证人协会网站,
Introduction of Public Notarial Service
What is a Public Notary?
Notaries, Notaries Public and Public Notaries are generally referred to the same things and able to be interchanged.
The Notaries in NSW are appointed by the Supreme Court, and all applicants must be senior lawyers who successfully passed a high standard exam. Therefore, only small number of lawyers are Notaries.
2. Notary’s common functions
Certifying documents or information for use overseas (such as certificates and judgements); and
Verifying execution of documents by persons for use overseas (such as POAs and declarations).
3. Legalisation Process
Legalisation (either Apostille or Authentication) is generally required after documents notarised by Notaries except for the documents used in certain countries, such as UK, NZ, Canada and Singapore.
Australia is a contracting state to the 1961 Hague Convention. Therefore, an Apostille only applies if the country where the document is to be used are parties to the convention. An authentication is required for other countries, such as China. A Notary will advise which Legalisation applies for your particular matter. You may also refer to the website of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
4. Notarial Service Fees
The Notarial fees are usually charged $180 to $250 plus GST per document1. For more details, please refer to the website of Society of Notary of NSW,